Category Archives: Great Books

Parenting with Grace

Through following links from one link to another I stumbled upon a book titled “Grace Based Parenting” by Dr. Tim Kimmel.  I knew instantly that this was a book I needed to read.  I had the library order it for me and anticipated its arrival.  Now, having completed it I must say I feel as though I have been lovingly reprimanded for many of my parenting techniques.  Dr. Kimmel share through-out the book many real life examples of how important grace is in parenting.  To be clear, grace isn’t letting our children do whatever they want with no guidelines what-so-ever.  But  neither should parenting be about setting a bunch of rules that must be followed precisely.  The bottom line is God treats us with grace.  He provides us a secure love, a purpose in life and hope.  He allows us to be different, vulnerable, to talk freely with Him, and to make mistakes.  God shows us grace and if we want our children to grow up secure, confident, and Christ’s disciples, then we must get down on our knees and figure out what it means to parent them with grace.  I am so glad I read this book and I highly recommend it.  Now, I must get to the tough business of making life changes so that my children can know grace.

Need Parenting Help?

Calling all moms out there. . . Do you ever feel like pulling your hair out as you try to make sense of this new job we now have (parenting)  that has no instruction manual?  We all do at least one time or another.  I have only recently discovered a series of books that have already made my job easier to handle.  I wish so much that I had known about these books before Victoria was born.    So now, of course, I must pass the knowledge on to everyone who is interested.

“On Becoming Babywise” by Gary Ezzo saved my sanity.  The principles taught in this book seem so simple, and yet until I ready this book (on baby #3) I never really thought about it so much.  It teaches not only how to help your baby sleep better, but how it really is possible to start teaching and training your precious baby, from her first few weeks life, skills that will help in every stage of training as she grows.  I also really appreciate the emphasis the author puts on how important Mommy and Daddy’s relationship is for the health of the child.

Admittedly, there is quite a bit of controversy over the Babywise technique. Just do a quick Google and you will see for yourself.  I, however, firmly believe that even if you read the book and choose not to follow it EXACTLY, it will still help give you healthy guidelines that will help you baby get into a routine quicker.  Which (by the way) will help you greatly.  I would also like to note if you are interested in reading this book that you should really try to get a copy of the second edition.  The first edition has very rigid rules set forth, and the later versions worded things with more flexibility care.  As always , there are certain circumstances that require different actions.   Please do listen to your pediatrician’s advise and make decisions that you feel comfortable with after much prayer and consideration.

I cannot speak for all the books in this series, but I have read this one and “Book Two: Parenting Your Pre-Toddler 5-15 months”.  I have loved them both and look forward to reading the next one as soon as it comes in the mail.  I recommend both of these books to you with all my heart, and plan on including them in baby shower gifts to new mommies whenever I can.

Catalysts Part 1

I mentioned in my pilot post that I’ve been considering starting a blog for quite some time, yet my perfectionist qualities have kept me from actually getting started.  In chemistry, a catalyst is one substance that makes a chemical reaction speed up.  It only takes one catalyst to accomplish the job.  God has blessed me with about 5 catalysts to get me going on this project.  Most of them happened just last week.  Today I share the biggest one.

One week ago I finished reading the book “Choosing to See” by Mary Beth Chapman.  This is not just another book.  It is, as my mom-in-love put it, a game changer.  There is so much I could say about this book, but for now I focus on how it has been a catalyst for me.  Mary Beth takes you on a journey through tragedy and grief and bears honestly how hard it is.  Yet, even through all the ugliness that she feels, she shares how she  still chooses to “SEE” and  honor God.  Her courage to share her story has given me courage to start sharing mine.

I don’t begin to claim as profound a story as her, but I do believe that God has entrusted each of us with a journey.  He wants us to use our journeys to point others to Him.  I have from time to time in my life struggled with depression.  I was very ashamed of this fact, until I read “Choosing to SEE”.  God used Mary Beth to show me that it isn’t just about how I feel.  God is interested in what I do with those feelings.  Will I still praise Him when I don’t even want to lift my head out of bed?  Will I still point others to Him when I don’t understand why He has chosen to allow something hard happen in my life?  I pray that the answer to those two questions will always be “yes”.  I also pray for continued courage to “steward the story” He has given me in such a way that God is made famous.